You certainly have a wide range of topics! I will have you know I was an InSinf— a sufferer from Involuntary Scrotal Inflation. When I started yoga in 2012 I was experiencing a lot of discomfort with some poses, and especially the transitions from uttanasana to tadasana. My scrotum was always getting crushed between my thighs, and it got to the point very quickly where I consulted a urologist. An ultrasound showed that I had a spermatocel, a condition where one of the tiny little ducts in the scrotum gets kinked or clogged and what is in effect a little (or not so little in my case) water balloon forms. Imagining what the consequences could be if that little balloon were to get crushed between my thighs and burst convinced me that a spermatocelectomy was in order. Not a pleasant thing to recover from, literally a real pain in the … Gee, if only I knew I was riding the crest of a wave!