There is nothing I like more than to be in the company of beautiful women, and especially in a context where there is a lot of positive touch. In my younger days I was an acrobat, and you can’t be an acrobat without a lot of touching. Acrobats make the very best huggers you can imagine!
Up until that fatal day in March when Governor Newsom issued the shelter in place order I had spent the previous year in paradise. I earned a certification to teach Pilates and was teaching at two studios. The biggest benefit for me of the teaching was getting to take free classes at those studios. I was spending 2–4 hours a day in Pilates classes, totally immersed in beautiful, strong, fit, health conscious women, being taught by teachers who are perfectly comfortable checking to see if my glutes are firing.
It has been almost three months since a woman has touched my butt, lovingly! So sad!