I am a man who has never really learned to navigate the dating scene. I have no problem connecting with women, and scarcely a day goes by that I do not make a new friend or two, but how and when to take it beyond the simply conversation stage to something more intimate is where I get stuck. I don’t automatically assume that if a woman is willing to talk to me that she is interested in dating me.
Given that, I felt that online dating would be the solution for me, and back in 2006 I dove in headfirst, and indeed wound up in a relationship with a beautiful woman who made the first approach online. I went all in, sold my house that was 2 miles from work and bought a house that I couldn’t afford that required a 30 mile one-way commute to accommodate her and her teenage son. Turned out to be a big mistake on my part! I was looking for a partner for life, and she was looking for a servant. I am an optimist and like to count my blessings — she is one who lets all the positives slip away unnoticed while storing up any real or perceived slights to be added to her script the next time she goes into a rage. Nothing was good enough for her. I stuck it out for four years before she finally (and blessedly) bailed out as soon as her son started school at a University of California that he was able to be accepted to largely because of my efforts on his behalf.
Sorry about the venting, but I can relate to your fears, and please know that men can also have the same problems and the same fears about online dating.